Saturday, March 1, 2008

Beautiful Weather

Jeremiah woke up from his nap today and was kinda whinny. Since it was a beautiful day outside I decided to bring Jeremiah for a short walk to our mailbox. The second we stepped outside the door he stopped crying. It was amazing. Then, when we came back inside he started crying again. I brought him out to the backyard and once again he stopped crying. I guess my little buddy is an outdoors man! That will be so nice for this summer when we are gardening and wanting to play outside!


Anonymous said...

He knows what it takes to get outside now:) Hehhehhe LOVE YOU

nicolie y said...

hahahaa Ethan JUST DID THAT YESTERDAY!! He was whining, we went outside to the GORGEOUS 45 degree weather (hey, it's like we're all wearing shorts and it's summer!) and he was sooooo happy...and when we went back in he was whining again...