Sunday, August 10, 2008

God's Faithfulness and Go Kids

God has really been dealing with us about going to bible school full time for the two year program. We were wondering how we were going to do that with Jeremiah. We put it into God's hands and told him that he wants us to go so he has to provide a way for Jeremiah to be watched. Sure enough we found the right people that wanted to watch Jeremiah for us! God is so good!
Also, Go Kids Academy is starting next Monday so tomorrow we will be getting everything ready! This is so exciting! I will be posting pictures and updates on that this week! It is just so amazing how when you step into what God wants you to do right now things become so different. My life is completely changed. My fire for God has grown even more and I just want him to use me for whatever he wants to! God is just so amazing and I am so thankful for him.
If God is telling you to do something then do it because it will change you forever!


Anonymous said...

hi every person,

I identified after previous months and I'm very excited much to commence participating. I are basically lurking for the last month but figured I would be joining and sign up.

I am from Spain so please forgave my speaking english[url=].[/url][url=].[/url][url=].[/url]

Anonymous said...

Hello TO all members,
I just wanted to introduce myself to all of you and say that I am extremely happy to be a new member here[url=].[/url] I have been enjoying the conversations here for some time and look forward to participating now[url=].[/url][url=].[/url]

Glad to be a part of the community[url=].[/url][url=].[/url]