Thursday, June 5, 2008

Thank You Pastors

Jake and I just got home from a fun filled night. Prayer, Go Kids meeting, Announcement guys, and chatting with Nate and Evan for a bit! On the way home we were just talking and thanking God for all the things he has done for us! One of those things was awesome pastors! I mean our pastors are so cool! We are so blessed to be able to sit under them! We learn so much from them and because of them we are able to walk in the new insight and revelation that we receive from God. We are so blessed to be hearing the word from them. Faith comes by hearing and when we hear the word taught by our pastors our faith grows every time. So thank you pastors for continually being led by God! We love you!


Anonymous said...

I agree! I love our Pastors!! We are SO blessed!
Side note: Trent and I had so much fun last night, we were SO glad ya'll came! And, your pizza was yummy!!

Anonymous said...

OOOOOOhhhhhh, my head is swelling!

Anonymous said...

Thank you Sheena and Jake!! I give God all the glory for what He is doing in ALL our lives. We are being changed from glory to glory and I like it!! The ride is amazing!!! AND we couldn't do any of it without faithful committed people like YOU!!!!